Hey! I’m MICHELA SAMMUT, a Finland-based designer, currently doing an MA in Visual Communication Design at Aalto University.




A visual exploration of the self and the perceived self - particularly through social media. This project is a visual result of a dissertation study conducted on the same topic. Research pointed out the habits, intentions, and personas of individuals who represent themselves on Instagram, and has led to the questioning of the notion of agency.

There is a diversity of personas on Instagram, with different expectations and different modes of self-presentation.The idea of the vastness of the internet, as well as the near-immortality that it grants to its users’ personas, are explored in this project.

Participants in this project were asked to submit an image of themselves they had posted on Instagram. These images were then used as a basis for this YOU ARE HERE* through two techniques - extraction of ASCII data, and visual treatment through Processing.

YOU ARE HERE* aims to engage the viewer’s thoughts about the true nature of their online persona, appreciate the vastness of the medium being usedto display such personas, and question their notion of self-identificationand agency.

BA dissertation project